Using Hypnosis to improve your athletic performance is a quick and easy way to see successes. Granted, as an athlete, you still need to do the work. Regardless of the sport (or sports) of your choice, you know what the perfect range of motion, stance or
breathing pattern should look like…or feel like. You want to see yourself there. You want to perfect that which is already within you to prepare and perform efficiently.
Sometimes minor things and fractions of a second can determine the winner and the one in second place. That can be the difference between winning that scholarship, earning a contract or being that person who’s seen in the business community as a leader. Sports hypnosis helps you to focus and remove mental distractions that prevent you from success. Using Hypnosis, you will go to the right state of hypnosis to get the right suggestions to your subconscious mind. This changes old habits and develops good ones.
As a Certified 5-PATH Practitioner, I can help you find those things that may have held you back in the past and neutralize them. Once the old baggage is removed, you are free to move forward and succeed.
Leading in Sports – Leading in Life
This successful mindset goes far beyond sports. When you lead in your sport, you lead in life. Even if there were no scholarship or contract in the works, when you increase your confidence and enjoy happiness with your performance it reflects throughout the rest of your life. You become a more positive and capable individual…and THAT rubs off on your children…your family and those around you. Then you are seen as that positive force that attracts good people, things and opportunities. And…THIS is where Hypnosis comes in.
Is Hypnosis For You? Take this quick self test and see if Hypnosis is for you.
- Do you play a sport and believe you could improve your performance?
- Are you hoping to qualify for a team?
- Do your co-workers play a sport together but you avoid participating because you don’t feel confident or proficient enough?
- Do you have children that you would like to see have a sports scholarship opportunity?
- Do you want to spend time with your kids in a sport without feeling like a klutz?
- Do you have a lot of stress or self confidence issues and would like to engage in a sport for better health?
- Do you go to a gym but tend to stay in a corner, out of site from the “Fit People”?
If you answered YES to any of these, then Hypnosis is for you.
Why Would You NOT Go to a Hypnotist?

Do you know why some people DON’T go to a Hypnotist and get help with their performance? Typically, the answer falls into one of three reasons – Fear, Embarrassment or Pride.
Okay, so let’s look at this objectively. Hollywood and stage acts often give people a misconception about Hypnosis. Hypnosis is a safe and effective means to help you find the best that is already within you to focus and perfect your inherent skills and put them to work. The results lead to a successful, happy life. Within you, you already have the skills to be successful. Hypnosis helps you to develop the proficiency and self-confidence to translate into a happier, successful life – whether it is perfecting your sports ability or taking control over your everyday life.
The reality is that I do this work all the time with everyday people who don’t know the difference between a field goal and a home run. Sports isn’t even in their vocabulary. Yet, these same hypnotic processes of using 5-PATH turns lives around. When you add the sports element and focus on movement, breathing and visualizing success ahead of time, these can make you a stronger, proficient person, capable of standing up to challenge. Life doesn’t come with a menu and you still need to overcome or be overrun.
Hypnosis gives you the ability to triumph over challenge.
So, given the reasons people avoid hypnosis above, Hypnosis is a safe process to help you become a better you. Would you be embarrassed to become proficient, develop self-confidence, see success and be internally happy with yourself? Would you rather be prideful and dismiss an opportunity to point your life on a focused path? I don’t think any of these are true. Do you know why? Because you’re here reading this. As human beings we all want to be better, do better and make a difference. Because you came here today, if even out of curiosity, you show you already have those proficient and capable qualities within you.
Contact Me Today and Let’s Get to Work on Your Future Success.
Take a look at some of the athletes that recognized this truth, used Hypnosis and met success:
- 1956: Eleven hypnotists accompanied the Soviet athletic team to the Olympics in Melbourne.
- 1959: Ingmar Johannson used Sports Hypnosis training before taking the heavyweight boxing title from Floyd Patterson.
- 1967: Three members of the Swiss ski team used hypnosis to earn medals.
- 1973: Ken Norton used hypnosis to defeat Muhammed Ali where Ken was a 7-1 underdog. Muhammed Ali began using hypnosis soon after.
- 1976: Rod Carew had a injury that threatened his career. Through hypnosis, he turned the lingering pain into a .400 batting average.
- 1983: The Chicago White Sox hired a full-time hypnotist and made the playoffs.
- 1984: Mary Lou Retton used hypnosis to prepare for the L.A. Olympics and block pain in her injured foot to win the Gold Medal.
- 2008: Beijing Olympics: The only 2 shooters who won Gold Medals for the U.S. worked with a hypnotist.
- 2008: Beijing Olympics: A hypnotist help Australian Gold Medalist, Steve Hooker, overcome his fear in pole vaulting.
- Tiger Woods began hypnosis at the age of 13.
- Phil Mickelson was trained by mental coach and hypnotist.
- Phil Jackson has used and still uses hypnosis for all his championship basketball teams with the Bulls and Lakers.
- In baseball: Nolan Ryan, George Brett, Maury Wills, Don Sutton, Mark McGwire used hypnosis to be focus during baseball games.
- Jimmy Connors used Sports Hypnosis for his U.S. Open Tennis wins.
- Greg Louganis used Sports Hypnosis for Swimming.
- Wayne Gretzky perfected his skills using hypnosis for Hockey.
- Steve Stone, Boomer Esiason and Freeman McNeil used sports hypnosis for Football.
- Numerous NFL, MLB, NHL, Boxing, Olympic and Pro Athletes all use Hypnosis today.
These are just a few of the many athletes that saw that Hypnosis can help pull out the best within them. Do you want better focus, confidence and self-knowledge?
Do you have a son or daughter that you want to enjoy a confident, successful life? One of the BEST gifts you can give your child is a lifetime of success by getting them started today.
Let’s Get Started. Contact Me Today.