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Testimonial – I’m Deeply Grateful


I was not in a good place in my life, I was stuck, unable to move forward. At different times, generally before starting something new, I would find myself in this place,this time was by far the worst that I had ever experienced.

I was looking for hypnosis for a completely different situation when in speaking with Tony. I realized that he could help me with my procrastination. In my desperation, I asked him to take me on as a client. I had read his book, and I believed in the process, but there was still a part of me that felt scared that this would not help either.

I was wrong. Immediately after the first session, I began to see changes in myself, they actually surprised me. As I was doing things that I had not been previously able to do, it was almost as if I was watching from outside myself. While my progress is happening, and continuing to happen, for me, this was not a magic bullet that happens without any effort.

What the sessions with Tony have done is to somehow unlock my ability, or diminish what was holding me back, and given me a stronger belief and understanding that I can do the actions that I was previously afraid to attempt.

The sessions, all personalized for me, unlocked some issues that I had not even realized existed, and the recognition of those has also helped me to move forward. I was extremely impressed with the time and effort that Tony put into personalizing every single session that we had together.

This was customized from beginning to end, it was truly a first-class experience. As I take baby steps to move forward in my life, I look at this brief time that we spent together as a catalyst for helping me to begin to achieve the life that I know I am capable of living.

I am deeply grateful.

Margaux J.
Los Angeles, CA


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